venerdì 27 settembre 2024


 After many years of research I can say that I have identified the exact location of Manoa, the lost city known as El Dorado.

 Guyana's river, which rises with two branches near the border with Brazil and, after a course of almost 100 km, rugged with rapids and waterfalls (King George V Falls, Stanley Cataract etc.), flows into the Atlantic Ocean W-NW of Georgetown, with a large estuary. A dam built in the early 1980s allows the river's waters to be used to irrigate a large area cultivated with rice. Main tributaries: Rupununi, Potaro and Cuyuni. Navigable in the lower stretch. The E. Islands-West Demerara administrative district of Guyana, comprising the entire western section of the country, takes its name from the river.(wiki)

 everyone was wrong, including me, in looking for something in Venezuela that is in Guyana ...

let's see how and why...

 if we look at the map we know that there is a cataract north of the city, we have the surface of the lake (which unfortunately no longer exists).

 Is it possible to find the ancient city of Manoah through satellite imaging?

 I say yes...




 as far as possible, on the essequibo river, a cataract exists as specified by map...

Kaietur Falls was probably the gateway to the Lost City of Manoa known as El Dorado...

let's delve deeper

               in this image you can see the banks of the lake that no longer exists


I explored the area where the lake existed and found that there is a quadrangular   anomaly that goes
the coordinates indicate the location of the site to be investigated

4°26'57"N 59°24'54"W the lost city of Manoa....?
It is premature, with the satellite images we have, to say that the lost city of Manoa is located where the studies have been conducted...
 ,I would like to sincerely thank BAR CENTRALE and the music production company MEGAVATT STUDIOS of FORNO DI ZOLDO for supporting me in the above study

 the only possibility is to go and check it personally...

 thanks Raul Lazzarin